Premium Old-Fashioned Sugar Cookie
Premium Old-Fashioned Sugar Cookie
Properly mixed and baked sugar cookies are hard to come by, that’s why we have taken it upon ourselves to provide that for you! Perfectly soft, buttery and with a hint of vanilla, our sugar cookies are tough to ignore. This wonderful sweet little treat will impress guests and keep them coming back for more!
Our cookies come frozen, either pre-baked or in dough form so they are easy to store. Just thaw and serve right away, or bake and serve for the ultimate treat! Our recipes are specially designed so our products never lose their integrity in the thawing process, so you get a perfect texture and flavor every time.
“Premium” indicates cookies with simpler recipes made with classic ingredients
Pack Size: 84 unit
Unit Weight: 2.2 oz.
Raw Pucks: 2oz. baked
Pack Weight: 11.5 lbs.